Welcome to Cape Town!

Services are held each Sabbath (Saturday) in the Pinelands area at 2pm.

Hello and welcome!

As you probably know, members of the United Church of God rest (that is refrain from normal work and recreation) and meet on the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) in compliance with the Fourth Commandment. We often don’t meet in actual church buildings - our local congregations meet wherever is suitable and accessible. We have congregations meeting weekly, and we would love for you to visit and enjoy one of our services. The congregations assemble weekly and we'd love for you to join us!

If you'd like to visit us, here is some more information on the format of our services:

Being a worldwide organization, we have a standard format for our services, which for the most part, is the same all over the world. The entire service lasts about an hour and a half, and we encourage everyone attending Sabbath services with us to bring a Bible. Because we believe and teach that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, our ministers and other speakers in the course of a service will focus on what the Bible says. Members are encouraged to turn to and read for themselves the scriptures quoted. Many will take notes for later review. The messages presented in our services are designed to be instructive, helpful, practical and inspiring.

After the service we have the opportunity to fellowship over tea, coffee and some snacks. We try to be careful though that we focus on things of a more spiritual nature and less of things of the world.

When we attend a Sabbath service we are coming into God’s active presence, appearing before Him for the purpose of worshiping Him and learning of His ways. When coming into the presence of God at Sabbath services, there is a respect and reverence we show Him in the way we dress. Regular United Church of God members therefore traditionally wear their best. Without getting too specific and being well aware that budget plays a big role in the clothing we’re able to afford, men and women dress with appropriate modesty.

We hope this information is helpful and once again we hope that you will join us for an enjoyable Sabbath service soon. We look forward to meeting you.

Regards, Vivien Botha – Cape Town elder for United Church of God

Proclaiming God's Message

We are also driven to proclaim God’s message of hope and repentance to the nations. So we share His love and truth passionately, seeking to teach all the things Christ commanded. We are a part of an International association of over 430 congregations around the world dedicated to preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world. We want to be known to all by our care, concern and love.

Friendly and Enthusiastic

We are a friendly, enthusiastic congregation that strives to follow the example of Jesus Christ. What’s most important to God is most important to us. It's about loving relationships - first with God the Father and Jesus Christ and also with each other. Loving God, sharing His truth and loving people like you, is a simple way to say what we’re all about.

Ocean view at sunset

Visit Us Soon!

I hope and pray you will enjoy our site, check out our Biblical teachings, and get to know us. You can learn a lot about our church by spending some time browsing our site, yet, there’s nothing like visiting in person to learn more about the United Church of God. I hope you will come be our guest, and experience our church firsthand. I look forward to meeting you when you do. Until then, may God richly bless you.